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Flag Day: You may not know this about Old Glory!

Written by Levi Kastner | Jun 14, 2023 6:48:51 PM

Your ical likely has "Flag Day" automatically populated onto it-- but what is "Flag Day"? We decided to find out! 

On June 14, 1777 the Continental Congress approved the design for the stars & stripes to be our national flag. Since that day there have been several versions of the flag, most recently in 1960 after Hawaii became a state.

So what do the colors and symbols represent? Here's how it breaks down...

Red: Valor, Strength, & Hardness

White: Purity & Innocence 

Blue: Vigilance, Perseverance & Justice

Stars: 50 stars for the 50 states

Stripes: 13 stripes for the original 13 colonies

We know how important the American Flag is and now that we know what it represents, how do we honor it? There are proper ways to display, handle, and even dispose of the flag. 

If you own a flag (and we hope you do) it's important to remember Flag Etiquette. For instance...

  • The flag should never touch the floor or anything beneath it.
  • Old Glory should not be exposed to rainy weather, so take it down when you see those storm clouds gathering. 
  • When displayed horizontally or vertically against a wall, the union side (stars) should always be displayed to the left.
  • Never display the flag upside down unless you're trying to convey distress or great danger!
  • When displaying several flags, always display the American Flag higher than any others. 
  • There are proper ways to dispose of a flag-- NEVER throw an American Flag into the garbage. Instead, look for flag disposal sites. Find one near you here.

As a veteran owned business, we are PROUD to be American and we display the flag outside of our office.

We hope that this blog helped you to learn a little more about Flag Day and Old Glory!