4 min read

9 Things Very Successful People Do That 99 Percent of People Don't

9 Things Very Successful People Do That 99 Percent of People Don't

Becoming wealthy and leaving an impact on the world is not an easy feat. If it were, everyone would go around doing it. At that point, it would not be much of an accomplishment at all.

successful people habits

Rather, being extremely successful requires an extreme amount of work (see here for why wealthy people refinance their mortgages). Especially when there is nobody looking. The best people have developed habits that help them reach their goals. These routines are not necessarily challenging to form, but they take consistent effort over extended periods of time. Creating these tendencies in your own life will propel your success.

Here are 9 things, specifically that 99 percent of (myself included) do not do but really should:

1. Take advantage of introductions.

When someone introduces you to another person, there tends to be a very good reason for it. The top people take advantage of these introductions because they know that they might lead to great opportunities. It is easy to blow off an intro or not follow-up. Doing so is a missed chance to create a meaningful relationship with a like-minded person.

2. Consider the little things in their relationships.

The best people are admired by those around them. This could be due to their high-quality work, their personal interactions, or, likely, both. They remember names, they follow-up when they say they are going to, and they take little steps to create stronger relationships with those around them. Something as small as sending a text after a surgery or a congratulations after a new job offer can make a big difference.

3. Consistently read.

The brightest people are always learning. There is endless knowledge, and, in order to continue to improve and learn more, reading is a necessity. Most people make excuses as to why they do not read very much. The best people do not allow themselves to make excuses, and instead prioritize personal learning. I've personally made it my goal to read a book a quarter. 


4. Stay healthy.

In order to stay effective and energetic, health has to be a top priority. Otherwise, you will go through life with less kick each day. The best people also make no excuses for their health. They make conscious decisions to eat well and exercise. They care about their bodies and take care of themselves in order to propel their success. This focus on health also gets them feeling better about how they look day-in and day-out. 

5. Constantly adapt.

If you cannot look back six months and see a drastically different person, then you are not growing fast enough. This is especially true early in life.

The most successful self employed people are constantly learning and adapting. They let their barriers down and are always willing to change things about themselves in order to be better, happier and more productive.

This can be extremely challenging for many because it means letting your guard down and being vulnerable. We see ourselves in a certain light, and we make our decisions accordingly. Changing means accepting that our past choices might not have been the best. When those past actions are tied up with our ego, it can be especially difficult to move past them. The best people are able to do so in stride.

Need a place to start? Get in a leadership group! Joining a leadership group has been one of the best decisions of my life.  Check out the group I currently belong to, it is called HP3

"HP3 aims to improve daily performance and competence in all of our "chosen" roles by developing a learning, accomplishment-oriented mind, a healthy body, and a virtuous spirit."



6. Surround themselves with other great people.

We are the average of the five people we surround ourselves with the most. Therefore, it is critical to be around great people. There is a reason that many successful people tend to be friends before rising to fame. They have made an effort, from the onset, to be around others who can motivate them and propel their success.

It can be challenging to abandon or step back from destructive friends that we have been close with for long periods of time. The most accomplished people have been able to do so, though, because they know that there are many amazing people out there for them to spend time with.

7. Persistence

Persistence is also very underrated. It is easy to workout one time or to send a few emails. It is also easy to take on an 80-hour week once. Pushing yourself consistently, though, is an extreme challenge. It is where 99 percent of people drop off.

It is when nobody is looking that effort matters the most. The best people work hard and smart consistently. They have increasing returns to scale and their efforts compound over time. Successful athletes do not suddenly emerge. They have been working for years and years on their craft to reach their current point.

It is easy to believe successful people reached that level through luck or raw talent. That is almost never the case, though. Persistence over time is an absolute must.

8. Pursue their passions.

The top people do not spend their lives living other people's dreams. They pursue their own passions. That gives them the energy to attack each day with all that they have. It also allows them to think more independently. After getting over the fact that you cannot please everyone and that you have to think for yourself, life becomes a lot better.

Spending time doing what you love enables the highest quality of work and it makes staying consistent significantly easier. 

My passion is to mitigate anxiety in others. My desire to obviate anxiety carries over to my current business, which is insurance. Our mission statement at TK Insurance is: 

"Anxiety Mitigation, where client satisfaction is the only measure of performance."

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9. Accountability

Many people blame others for their shortcomings. Doing so might have immediate benefits, but it is detrimental in the long run. Neglecting accountability prevents personal growth and, over time, it develops a bad reputation for yourself.

The best people take full responsibility for their actions. This garners more respect and allows them to grow at much faster rates.

Speaking of rates...... if you want to save money on your insurance, schedule some time with me! 

Schedule Free Consult

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